Tyger, Tyger


Tyger, Tyger
Along that wire
For that elysian soul
I've got to know
Fang to fang
Bang your gold
For that elysian soul
Climbs all pearls to drag you out
What control
Is strong enough to mind you
Strong enough to fight?
And stung enough to waltz through dread, dark light
Hum that lonely view
Dead desires
The thrall stays in your kiss
Need you
Need not miss that kiss
Tyger, Tyger
Along that wire
For that elysian soul
I've got to know
Fang to fang
Bang your gold
For that elysian soul
I've got to know
I've got to know
I'm sharp enough to focus
Sharp enough to knife
I'm sharp enough to pull through
Seraphic bite
Kicking and scratching and wordlessly acting
And not making very nice
Does control drag you out
Bestill the ides
Tyger, Tyger
Along that wire
For that elysian soul
I've got to know
Fang to fang
Bang your gold
For that elysian soul
Fang to fang
Bang your gold
Tyger, Tyger
Along that wire



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